Potato is a starchy tuberous crop and becomes an integral part of much of worldwide food / potato food supply and suppliers. It is the worlds fourth largest food crop, following maize, wheat and rice. The annual diet of an average person in the first decade of the 21st century included about 33kg. of potato. Bangladesh is now one of the big potato producing and exporting countries in the world. In the year 2011, potato exporters in Bangladesh produced 8.5 million M.Ts. of potatoes among which around 40% is exported and it is increasing year by year. For the year 2021 production target is 21 million M.Ts. Potato is now one of the good export quality agro products of Bangladesh.
SL No.
Weight per pcs
Diamond (Yellow)
50 gms to 80 gms
Granola (Gold)
50 gms to 150 gms
Manila (White)
75gm to 150 gms.
Cartinal (Red)
50 gms to 100 gms
Most sell-able potato sizes are 50 to 150 gms. Those have very good demand in home and abroad market. In respect of quality, taste and price; Bangladesh origin potatoes are good competitive compare to other Asian country’s potatoes. Therefore importers of worlds many countries are attracted to import / buy potatoes and other agro products from exporters of Bangladesh. The main importing countries of Bangladesh origin potato are BELGIUM, GERMANY, SPAIN, AUSTRALIA, MALAYSIA, UAE, SAUDI ARABIA, OMAN, VIETNAM, PHILIPPINE AND RUSSIA. G. Mostafa Trade is Exporting and re-exporting Bangladesh origin Potato to other overseas countries. Although harvesting season of potato starts from November till March, but round the year we export potatoes with variable price from cold storage. Under optimum conditions, potato can be stored for up to ten to twelve months. We have well setup for exporting fresh potatoes in Bangladesh under mesh packing of 10 kg. 15 kg. & 20 kg through reefer container with best competitive price. Bangladesh origin potato now secured good export market share in the worlds potato market due to quality, taste and best competitive price. To meet the demand of worlds importer and exporter, G. Mostafa Trade is in a position to grow specific variety of potato suitable for tropical country. Bangladesh climate and soil is very suitable to grow tropical country potato with best competitive price as labor cost of farmer here quite low compare to any other potato and Agro product growing countries. So, if any buyers / importers are willing to procure such specific tropical variety potato please feel free to contact us for further negotiation. Winter season (November to March) is suitable for growing & harvesting potatoes in Bangladesh. When temperatures remains within the range of 08 C° to 18 C° in Bangladesh there is now strong value added potato product producing industry. Therefore produced fresh potato of G. Mostafa Trade mainly export and consume locally. So, any entrepreneur if willing to produce any value added potato products in Bangladesh surely he will be highly successful and benefited by selling and exporting those products in Home and Abroad, because population of Bangladesh is 180 million and man living cost is quite low.
With the use of a garden fork simply turn the soil over and work in some well-rotted manure to provide essential nutrients for your potatoes. If you are unable to use manure then specialized potato fertilizer can be used but the fertilizer should be placed below the potato and a layer of soil or compost put in between so that the potato roots grow down into the soil to establish properly. The potato bed should be a trench about 4-6 inches deep and you place the potato in the trench and cover with soil so that a small peak is formed.